sue sinko photography

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fathers' day

We celebrated Fathers’ Day this year - albeit a bit more cautiously than in past years. My nephews and their families and Gary and I spent a lovely afternoon and evening with dad and mum and each other. We just missed my brother Harry, Andy and Kai who are hunkering down in Johannesburg. They were there in spirit.

I thought it might be nice to go down memory lane and show you some pics of my dad and our family. Check out the party pic with the bottles of DA and cigarette smoke wafting in the air - ah, the good old days! And all those pics of dad on building sites probably best typify him and how much he has done for me, my brother and his grandsons. I think we’ve lost count on how many houses he has built and renovated.

On this special day, I particularly acknowledge the love and deep devotion he has and the sacrifices he has made, for all of us in our family.

Oh, and happy fathers’ day to all good dads, stepdads, foster dads, uncles, mentors and role models.  I hope you all had a good one! 💗