a photography business? really?

Firstly, thank you again for signing up to my newsletter. You are fabulous! No really, you are!

As a bonus for signing up, you get to receive a weekly (well, that’s the plan) blog post. Don’t worry, I won’t be offended if you don’t read it or you hit delete as soon as it enters your inbox - I probably won’t know.

The weekly blog is where I plan to share all things about photography and starting up a small business or in my case - a side hustle. Over the coming weeks you might even have an answer for the title question of this post.

sue sinko photograher sue sinko bio pic.jpg

So, why photography?

My top ten reasons:

  1. I love it! It impels me to really look at the world around me…to notice shapes, colours, tones, the various perspectives and light - especially the light

  2. An image can tell a story without a single word - there's no language or cultural barrier. Photography is an international language

  3. Photography relaxes me - especially if I’m feeling a little stressed or troubled in my day job. Don’t get me wrong, it can also stress me if I’m on a deadline or the light is fading faster than I can click my shutter

  4. It inspires me to travel and explore the beautiful places around the world - not that I really need another reason to travel

  5. It helps me capture and savour the beautiful moments in my life and creates long-lasting memories

  6. Photography has the ability to evoke emotions in myself and others. I love seeing the delight in peoples’ faces when they see an image that they really love

  7. It nurtures my creativity

  8. It is sooooo satisfying when I nail that perfect shot

  9. One image can be interpreted in so many ways

  10. I learn something new every single time I take a photo.

There you have it.

What do you love? What nurtures your creativity or fills your soul with joy and a sense of purpose? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Until next week…have a good one!
