2020 - what a year!

We made it! What a year!

We’ve come to the end of the strangest, most noteworthy, eventful (you can add to the list) year in my living memory. 

It was the year of: tragic bushfires, floods, the great toilet paper panic, Covid-19 pandemic, Karen, lockdowns, sourdough starter, the word unprecedented as common vernacular, protests, the BLM movement, and the Beirut explosion. And to top it off, it was also a Leap Year - like we needed an extra day!

But if you are looking for any good news that came out of 2020, there is some. By far, the best news of 2020 is that Trump lost the U.S presidency. Maybe some humanity might be restored in the world - we can only hope. Another positive is that air pollution, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) emissions steeply dropped during our lockdowns around the world. 

For me personally, it was a tough year interspersed with a few highlights. 

The year began with Gary and I lazing, swimming and exploring the beautiful island nation of Samoa. This came as a welcomed relief from the horrific bushfires that had swept through our country. In February, Gary and I celebrated 10 years together. We spent the weekend at Scotland Island. At this time we had already heard rumblings of a new virus that was rearing its ugly head. By March, we were in lockdown. 

I worked from home for about 5 months, during which time my workplace went through a re-structure. I lost many of my long-term work colleagues and friends. I lost my job, I lost some sense of my value in the organisation. I started a new job in a different area of education -  in People and Culture, in a new role. I began work in the Schools Operations Unit with a brand new team (who I think are wonderful!). I mourned the loss of my old role, my old colleagues, my old team. 

I mourned the loss of travel and I gave up on my trip to Portugal and Italy and Israel. To offset this, we made a vow to  plan some weekends away in our own state. In September, we spent a long weekend in the beautiful Riverina area of NSW.

On another note, I built my little side hustle. I worked hard on improving my photography, styling and editing skills. I worked with some amazing new clients -  In Volo & Co., oh-hello! Selfish & Co., The Essentials Lab, Chak Fusion TeaBaked by Keiran, Postix, Troppolicious, and continues with old favourites (hello Grace Sydney Candles!). I photographed gorgeous gift boxes, luxury leather travel wallets, delicious cold-brew teas, sweet-smelling candles, lush fragrances, perfumes, body and face oils, fun stickers and delicious pastries and cakes. 

Oh, did I mention that a became a YouTuber in 2020? Check out my channel here. It’s in its infancy!


To end the year, Gary and I have decided to head down the south coast, away from the fireworks and the festivities. I don’t feel much like celebrating and it’ll be our first year away from the city since we moved there eight years ago.

I’m so looking forward to 2021!

I’m looking forward to

  • the vaccine distribution that will surely take centre stage around the world

  • a Covid-19 safe world where we can once again come together in groups and not feel awkward or hesitant to hug and kiss our friends and family 

  • spending more quality time with loved ones

  • team building with new colleagues and new direction at work

  • more photography, more styling, more editing, more learning, more clients

  • the possibility of travelling overseas

  • celebrating milestone birthdays 

  • my new branding (I’ve been working on this for a while!)

  • more time with the littlies in my family

  • launching Gary’s website (hopefully in January)

  • more humanity and humility from our leaders

I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for your love and support in 2020.

I’m taking a couple of weeks off, so I’ll see you sometime in January 2021.