groat oats

I finally gave in to my dislike of porridge/oats as a breakfast option. It’s taken me this long to develop a taste for these delicious chewy morsels of goodness. I didn’t eat much porridge growing up, unlike Gary, who had it for breakfast Every. Single. Day 😳until he left home. His mum changed it up a bit by adding different food colouring, to make it seem like he was eating something different each day. I am so surprised that he still eats it. The only way I ate oats was in the deliciously sweet chocolate chip oatmeal cookies or the Aussie favourite, Anzac biscuits. 

About three months ago, I gave them a try and realised that they actually tasted good when not in biscuit form. And I also discovered that oats are the ultimate breakfast - they’re filling and hearty, and one of the healthiest meals you can eat with over the top nutritional benefits that will boost you through the day. There’s no stopping me now! 

But did you know not all oats are created equally? I discovered a whole world of oats out there. There’s the good ole instant oats or quick oats, then the very familiar rolled oats, then steel-cut oats and finally the rhyming groat oats

Let me tell you about the groat oats which is what I have for breakfast most mornings. It is the healthiest and most nutritious (I’m saying the same thing here, aren’t I?) of all because it is the purest form of the whole oat you can eat. It is also the least processed. 

The health benefits of oats cannot be ignored. They are a very good source of fiber, especially beta glucan, which leads to slower digestion, increased fullness, and appetite suppression. Studies have repeatedly confirmed that oats can lower cholesterol levels, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. They are a good source of protein and are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


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Where can you buy groat oats? 

  • They’re not in Coles or Woolies. 

  • Some health food stores sell them. 

  • I buy them online at Affordable Wholefoods.  

How do I prepare them?

  • I don’t.

  • Gary does 😁

  • He soaks them in water overnight. 

  • In the morning he drains the water, using a strainer. 

  • He pours boiling water over them (while they’re still in the strainer) to warm them up.

  • He dumps them in a bowl.

  • He adds all the goodies:

  • crushed almonds

  • chia seeds

  • blueberries or raspberries or both

  • a wee bit of honey

That’s it! No milk, no other liquid, no nasties. They’re chewy and nutty and super tasty.

Try groat oats for yourself and let me know what you think. Go on, do it!