lockdown birthday

Sydney has now been in a three week lockdown. If you do the Maths, it’s Day 23 today. In my last newsletter, I mentioned that I had a vested interest in this stay-at-home order not being extended, at least not after mid-July. Well, we all know how that turned out. We’re now in lockdown till 30th July! This lockdown extension came at a particularly unfortunate time for me as there were a few events planned where I was to be the attention grabber - given my advancing age and a number that ended in zero. So, that came and went.


The last time I wrote about the pandemic and lockdown was in March last year. That’s when so many of us started working from home and 18 months later, some of us are still there. I remember thinking that working from home (WFH) sounded pretty good (hello to getting all my home chores done during the week!) until I realised that there’s actual work work to be done. Anyway, I put together 6 tips for working at home like a boss! And a month later, well and truly after the novelty of working from home wore off, I proposed that we step away from COVID-19 for some time each day and focus on other aspects of our lives that matter like connecting, laughing, learning, being creative, eating good food, moving our bodies and relaxing. I curated a list of things you could do, listen to, watch, learn and eat to rock the lockdown. 

But,  back to me being the centre of attention. 😜

During this lockdown, Gary and I had to cancel a three night getaway in a quaint little airbnb in Millthorpe, near Orange. We cancelled my parents (who have not been to my place in over 2 years) and my nephews and their families coming up to stay the weekend with us. Last night we were supposed to have our family slumber party, after our night out at Mr Wong (one of my favourite restaurants). And next Saturday, was my girlie get-together at a city bar. 

However, every cloud has a silver lining! 

On Wednesday within minutes of waking up, I received the best foot massage from Gary. What a way to start the day - in relax mode! 

And, it was a work day too!

During the day I was showered with beautiful messages, flowers and gifts. I had people sing to me and I even had a Youtube video made for me by a couple of dear friends. I had my favourite breakfast of sourdough toast with vegemite, avocado and cherry tomatoes. I got my own e-scooter! I had cake with candles and a takeaway dinner at home from Mr Wong. I rode my new e-scooter around my living room (during my lunch break, of course!). I had Zoom celebrations with my gorgeous girlfriends and my family.

What a day!

my new Apollo e-scooter!

my new Apollo e-scooter!

got out of my trakkie daks to get our takeaway dinner from Mr Wong.

got out of my trakkie daks to get our takeaway dinner from Mr Wong.

I will always remember and cherish my milestone birthday

in a pandemic!

Thank you for all the love!

Normal programming will resume in my next blog.