pretty flowers
I shot this image and the following two photographs indoors with natural light. The settings were:32mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/2.8, shutter 1/50.

I shot this image and the following two photographs indoors with natural light. The settings were:

32mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/2.8, shutter 1/50.

I’m kind of getting the hang of this working from home, social distancing and isolating gig. What about you? How are you going? I hope you’re well and safe and hanging in there.

This week’s post is simple. It’s just about me sharing some pretty flower photographs. If you’re into this sort of thing, I hope you enjoy them. 😉

And for those of you who asked, I’ve included my camera settings for each of the shots. The camera I shoot with is a Sony a7R 111 35mm full-frame mirrorless camera. I shot these photographs with my Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 lens.

32mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/2.8, shutter 1/50.

32mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/2.8, shutter 1/50.

45mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/3.2, shutter 1/25.

45mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/3.2, shutter 1/25.

I shot this image and the next one, outside on my balcony with full sun. The settings were slightly different:75mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/5, shutter 1/6400.

I shot this image and the next one, outside on my balcony with full sun. The settings were slightly different:

75mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/5, shutter 1/6400.

75mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/5, shutter 1/5000.

75mm focal length, ISO 100, aperture f/5, shutter 1/5000.

Have a great week!